This is for October and I have November here to open yet and December's is to arrive today! :)
We'll get all caught up tho', no worries!
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one. A heads up on this one for my friend Richard! LMAO!
Oh and to let you all know what I've been up to, is preparing for....
In about 2 weeks, I'll be flying south with the geese all the way to Birmingham, Alabama for almost a whole week of Haunt Heaven! This is a Halloween and Haunter convention where people from all over the world, yes, my friends from Australia, Ireland, England as well as Panama and all over the US come together for tours of local haunts, hands on workshops, demos, classes, and to shop with some great vendors for all of your haunt needs! It's an amazing time! There is also a costume party that I am planning to attend if my costume that I am making comes out right! :) So check out the link above and you'll see all the cool things you can do there!
I always have a great time!
I hope to blog about this year's event and I want to about last year as well, just so much to see and do! Crazy fun!
Until then, enjoy the latest Monster of the Month!
~*Bugs n Hisses*~