Saturday, March 5, 2016


Having watched this one again with Woody Harrelson and a cameo appearance by the ever incredible Mr. Bill Murray, I found myself laughing all over again!

Such a great flick that had me laughing like crazy at it's silliness and direct to screen commentary.
The main kid talks straight to the camera and lends to the humor of this film so you are getting his perspective during a zombie apocalypse with some helpful tips on how to survive.

Stars: Woody Harrelson and a cameo of Bill Murray.

There is cursing and it's very gory, so be warned there.
But it's a funny satire on the whole zombie apocolypse
And the kid has some great rules to abide by if only the walking dead had watched this beforehand!

Woody is in search of a Twinkie and it's just so hysterical with a lot of great one liners.
When these two girls come along, it gets even more interesting.

What is wild is that the zombies are fast and not lumbering slow as in most movies.

Not recommended for younger kids but hysterical for older kids.
It's a bit cornball but I couldn't help but laugh at this one.

Woody is just epic!
Hope you enjoy this one!


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