A lot has been going on since I last wrote. I do have more Monster of the Month videos to share with you and will be doing that soon.
I've been busy however as of late with setting up the move to Maine. I was waiting until we got back the appraisal to be sure this is a go before I start to pack up the garage haunt. As you know, it is going to be a huge task and I wanted to be sure we were definitely leaving before I did this.
The good news is that the place I am buying has a 5 bay/car garage! So you know 3-4 of those bays will be for my home haunt! :) I wanted to have one area for a workshop of course and oh yea, the car gets one too. Haha!
So that is huge!
Once there, I'll be setting up just one bay for now with pretty much the set up I have right now in this single one car garage. Barely a one car that is. The difference of course will be the side room here, I won't have that and the garage is deeper at the new place so the extra room will be moved to the back.
I want to set this up real quick for this year's Halloween, just in case I do get any trick or treaters and even if I don't, that's fine, this is more for me and family and friends at this point.
After this season is over, I'll begin working on a new front entrance but one that won't stick out and to where I can just close the garage door and that is that. It will be a crypt entrance, leading into the graveyard. So as I start to extend the whole haunt and work on one area at a time, it will get improved upon over time. I am really looking forward to working on it and building this!
I'm also going to see about creating and making some really cool items for possible selling on an Etsy store. That's all in the future however at this time.
So new things here for this blog is that I've added a couple more link lists on the right hand side you may have noticed. One is for Haunt Conventions and Tours, listing some of the tours and conventions for haunters and those who love Halloween and are wanting to get or take tours through different attractions across the US. I have not gone to all of these, so bear in mind I don't know how good or bad they are. I can say HAuNTcon is my favorite thus far due to the classes you can take and learn how to make things and the bus tours are amazing not to mention everyone there I know is really super nice! Transworld Halloween Show is HUGE and it is more for the big boys--those who are professional haunters and it's harder to get in to see but if you are able to do so, DO SO! At least once! You won't regret it as they have some amazing props and so much on display to see! Loved it! I haven't been to the others as of yet but have heard some good things of them.
Another list I put up is Haunt Shopping. If you are into Halloween as much as I am, don't let that scare you away.
But take a peek there if you are wanting some really cool props. I've gone thru that link list and pulled up each site and they have some really great, creative items in there. Plus, if you are thinking of going pro, there are links there to help you including one for Haunt insurance. Yep, you need that if you are going professional, trust me on that.
I've also edited the Haunts in DFW area, and I'm making that Haunts I can recommend that I have gone thru. I have A LOT to add to this list as well. I'll be working on that one and removing those I wasn't impressed with.
I also added a link for a site for finding haunts, that you can buy tickets to those attractions.
I've added a bit more to the media, a few links there as well, one is for HauntWorld where I got many links from their magazine, if you don't have it, you should get it, they are awesome!
I do have a few links I repeated from the Halloween Shopping to the Haunt Shopping, only because they are for both sides of the fence and there are some in the Halloween Shopping area that is also good for Haunts so please do check out both lists. I'll be going thru more to make sure they do work and are still intact.
So for now, I hope you all are enjoying your spring. I'll be posting more Monster of the Month videos coming up and more about HAuNTcon. Once I get settled into my new place, I'll be sharing the build there as to what we are doing and how we are setting it up. We move up first weekend of June! Exciting!
~*Bugs n Hisses*~
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