Monday, August 17, 2015

AtmosFX: Phantasms and Witching Hour

What seems like the latest craze for haunters is the video projections. They've been out for several years now. I first came upon them with Hallowindow which led me to download some YouTube videos and add them to the playlist of great video projections I use on my front window for the month of October.
I then found these videos that AtmosFX has put out, Creepy Crawlies 2, Zombie Invasion, Bone Chillers, to name a few.  

I loved these high quality videos and I have almost every one that they have out. These dvds run the gambit of cute and fun to really horrorific and down right disgusting! A haunter's dream no matter which way you bend, the macabre and creepy or the blood and guts gore. 

Recently, just a week ago, AtmosFX, or more as what I know them as, AtmosFearFX came out with two new videos: Phantasms and Witching Hour. I just got them and previewed them and I have to just say, WOW!

First, Phantasms.
I love ghosts, apparitions, wraiths, all of them! The videos are just incredible! This came with 4 distinctive ghosts. I ran thru the different set ups and options they have for each and was just stunned by the clarity and illusion they present! They have a young woman type of wraith, a reaper type of phantasm, an electrical ghost that reminded me of Slimer from Ghostbusters and then the creepy grandma. I am not too keen on the grandma, she's very creepy but doesn't really seem to fit for my haunted cave but that said, I love it when she waves her finger at you like you've been bad! LMAO!

Now between these phantasms, you have your choice to display them as a window, a tv mode, a wall mode, a hollusion and a 3D FX prop. I don't really use the TV mode but its great for parties or if you were going to put your TV maybe against a window or something. I do use the wall mode for inside the haunted cave and definitely use the window mode for my rear projections in the window.
But something new or that I had not thought of before was the hollusion. What is that? Well they took projection material and hung it somewhere outside and then projected right onto it so that it looks like these creatures show up right out of midair! WOW! That is really cool! It looks great too! The problem for me is that you can see the screen and I don't have anything that I can really tie the material to to hang it properly. I did get an idea however to put the material on the back of the garden arch that I have used in the past as an entrance to the haunted cave but didn't last year. So that is what we are going to do.
And then the last and newest mode they offered on this dvd, the 3D FX prop?!? Ooohh yessss!! You can project this image onto a cloaked prop and make it appear as a figure! A hologram! This one is just incredible! How awesome!

I was going to see about getting a mannequin as I do want to have one so I can use it to make some chicken wire ghosts for the cemetery and I thought I could use it then with this dvd effect by tossing a light gray sheet over it. But after looking at AtmosFX' site, they are going to be offering the right size and shape figure to use with their dvds and they are also selling the projection material and a more higher quality film to put on the windows instead of me using the white sheet stretched taut over a 2x4 frame! 

This is very exciting innovations and it will up the quality of my setup! :)

 Witching Hour

This dvd I found to be more whimsical and not really scary at all. It too had several modes, although no wall mode, but it had some background behind the witch or you could have her sing two songs or cast spells. this was more cute and goofy to me, not really too scary. I'll use her tho' in the graveyard arch and in the window for sure. I may also use her on the 3D FX prop mode inside the cave, I haven't decided on that for sure. 

The video below explains a bit more about these dvds and the different modes:

These two dvds however with the new mode of the 3D FX prop, are just incredible! I really wish my ToTs in Texas could have seen this but I am sure the DE military ToTs will love it too!

They are definitely worth the price and I ordered AtmosFX' prop and the projection material and will order the window film soon as it will really make it easier for me than to have to install the wood frame in the window. 

And if that wasn't enough! On their site, they give nice tips, tricks and tutorials on how to set these special FX up! :) Love it!

On one hand, hate to give away your secrets on how you do things but then on the other, it's great to see how people use them and continue on the tradition of Halloween! :)

You have out done yourself, AtmosFX! I love it! Would love to see more of the 3D FX prop modes for other figures! They are great holograms!

Just very cool!!

Love it!

*~Bugs n Hisses~*


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